How it works?

Curate and embed relevant social media videos directly into your product pages.
Install Plugin

Install our plugin into your e-commerce website.

Quick & Easy Setup

Connect Inventory and Configure curation settings.

Monitor Conversions

Monitor your current analytics dashboards for conversion increases.

Value for E-commerce Websites

An easy and innovative way to increase conversions.

  • Unlimited Social Proof: We curate a diverse mix of video types, including contextual videos, providing you with endless video social proof.
  • AI Moderation: Our AI moderator analyzes and auto-embeds videos based on your pre-set rules. It's a set-and-forget solution.
  • Compliance: We offer a compliant and ethical way to embed creator content, ensuring mutual benefits.


Pricing that's simple and affordable for your business


$29 / mo

(14 day free trial)

Social Proof
Basic Video Curation
Basic AI Moderation
Unlimited Embeds

Insights & Analysis
Sentiment Analysis
AI Marketing Tools

Get Started


$99 / mo

(14 day free trial)

Social Proof
Advanced Video Curation
Advanced AI Moderation
Unlimited Embeds

Insights & Analysis
Sentiment Analysis
AI Marketing Tools

Get Started


$299 / mo

(14 day free trial)

Social Proof
Complex Video Curation
Complex AI Moderation
Unlimited Embeds

Insights & Analysis
Sentiment Analysis
AI Marketing Tools

Get Started

Enterprise & Marketplaces

Want to increase your conversion rates? Let's talk.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about GOYT
In e-commerce, social proof means using customer reviews, testimonials, and user-generated content to build trust and credibility, encouraging potential customers to purchase products.

Social proof leverages the influence of product users to reassure, educate, and convince new customers that a product is worth buying.

97% of marketing campaigns do not convert into purchases, primarily due to the lack of compelling social proof on websites.

Generating social proof is challenging::

  • Time-Consuming: Collecting and curating user-generated content can be a labor-intensive process.
  • Quality Control: Ensuring the content is relevant, high-quality, and aligned with brand values can be difficult.
  • Scalability: As the business grows, maintaining a consistent stream of fresh and engaging social proof becomes harder.

GOYT solves this by:

  • Automated Curation: Our AI platform scans social media for relevant videos, curating the best content for your product pages from all sorts of creators.
  • AI Moderation: Our advanced AI ensures that only high-quality, appropriate content is embedded, saving you time on manual reviews.
  • Unlimited Embeds: Embed as many videos as needed without worrying about scalability, ensuring a constant stream of fresh social proof.

This approach not only enhances credibility and trust but also significantly boosts conversion rates.

AI-Powered Moderation:

  1. Content Scanning:

    Our AI platform continuously monitors social media platforms to identify relevant videos that mention or feature your products.

  2. Quality Assessment:

    The AI analyzes each video for quality, relevance, and compliance with your brand guidelines.

  3. Relevance Filtering:

    Videos are evaluated based on their relevance to your products and target audience. The AI prioritizes content that highlights key features, benefits, and positive experiences.

  4. Compliance Checks:

    The AI ensures that all videos comply with legal and ethical standards, including copyright regulations and community guidelines. It filters out any inappropriate or harmful content.

  5. Automatic Embedding:

    Once the videos pass the quality, relevance, and compliance checks, they are automatically embedded on your product pages as social proof.

  6. Continuous Learning:

    Our AL/ML system learns from user interactions and feedback, continually improving its moderation capabilities to ensure the highest quality content is displayed.


  • Time-Saving: Automates the labor-intensive process of reviewing and moderating content.
  • Consistency: Ensures a consistent level of quality and relevance in the social proof displayed on your product pages.
  • Scalability: Easily scales with your business, handling increasing volumes of content without additional manual effort.

By leveraging advanced AI moderation, GOYT ensures that only the most effective and high-quality social proof is showcased on your product pages, boosting credibility and conversions.

Yes, GOYT offers a referral program for developers, agencies, and influencers who refer new clients to our platform. Here’s how it works:

  1. Sign Up:

    Email us at to express your interest in becoming a referrer.

  2. Share Your Referral:

    Introduce your clients to GOYT using your unique referral link or by directly connecting them with our team.

  3. Client Sign Up:

    When your referred client signs up, installs the GOYT plugin, and pays for their first subscription, you start earning rewards.

  4. Earn Rewards:
    • Referral Fee: Earn $25 for each new user who signs up through your referral.
    • Subscription Share: Receive 20% of the monthly subscription fee for the lifetime of the customer.

Benefits of the Referral Program:

  • Monetary Rewards: Earn a significant income through referral fees and a share of the subscription fees.
  • Long-Term Earnings: Benefit from the ongoing subscription share, providing a steady income stream.
  • Support and Resources: Gain access to dedicated support to help you successfully refer and onboard new clients.

Why Join the Referral Program?

  • Cutting-Edge Technology: Provide your clients with access to GOYT’s innovative platform that curates social media content and offers actionable marketing insights.
  • First-Mover Advantage: Help your clients gain an edge over competitors by integrating the latest social proof technology.
  • Exclusive Benefits: Enjoy early access to new features, dedicated support, and the opportunity to influence product development.

To join our referral program, simply email us at and start earning today!

Currently, GOYT supports integration with the following e-commerce platforms:

  • WooCommerce
  • Shopify

Note: If you use a different e-commerce platform or run a custom-built store, please reach out to us. We are continuously expanding our support and can work with you to integrate GOYT into your system.

GOYT stands for 'Get Our Youth There,' a personal mission to support underserved communities and empower youth.

In the business context, GOYT represents our commitment to 'Pay It Forward' by helping brands leverage video social proof to boost sales and build trust.

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